Brandon L. Locke

I solve problems for a living. Sometimes I use code.


●●●●● PHP - This is my primary language at InterWorx. I am experienced with the Zend/Laminas framework and I have worked with Symfony/Laravel in my free time.

●●●●○ Bash - This is hard to avoid when working with Linux. I generally prefer to script in almost anything else, but I will use it when other are not possible.

●●●●○ Python - This is the first language that I learned. At the moment, I mostly use it for scripting and quick proof of concepts.

●●●○○ Go - This is one of my favorites for CLI programming. I love static typing and easy compilation to a single binary.

●●○○○ JavaScript - I use jQuery at work and can usually find my way through some basics, but I'm still getting into the ecosystem.

"[Brandon] is a Senior Developer, regardless of the years of experience. Some people just 'have it', and he clearly does." - Anonymous Feedback


●●●●● Linux - Debian/Red Hat/Fedora. This is my primary development and production environment. I have supported many system administrators as part of my employment at InterWorx.

●●●●○ Git - I use git for both professional and personal projects. I have worked on numerous projects automating interactions with git and git-hosts like Github, Gitlab, and Gerrit.

●●●○○ CI/CD Pipelines - I largely manage the Jenkins instance used for InterWorx development. I have also setup and managed automated builds/jobs in Github Actions, Gitlab, Drone, and Jenkins.

●●●○○ Docker - I've used Docker for both production and development. My experience is mostly with deploying pre-build images, but I have also built some basic images.

●●●○○ Packer - I update and maintain our Packer scripts at InterWorx in order to build AMIs of the product in various states for testing/development purposes.

●●●○○ RPM Building/Packaging - I have work with packaging and rebuild RPMs for a number of different programs to release alongside the InterWorx Control Panel Software which is also released as an RPM package.

●●●○○ Terraform - I work on tools at InterWorx have written tools at home to provision development servers on AWS and Proxmox (respectively).

●●○○○ Ansible - I have automated some processes at home and work including: populating InterWorx development servers with information and configuring destructible servers running services like httpd and Docker.

●●○○○ AWS EC2 - I have mostly interacted with EC2 through Packer/Terraform/AWS CLI.

"The hardest part of writing Brandon’s review was cutting down the large number of nice things his peers had to say about him. I wish I had 4 Brandons." - Tim College

Soft Skills:

●●●●● Customer Support - I have been consistently praised for the ability to offer timely and concise support for both internal and external customers.

●●●●● Problem Solving - Though my education is not related to the field of technology, one of the main benefits it has provided is the ability to see the "big picture" and find out of the box solutions to problems in a timely manner.

●●●○○ Technical Writing - In addition to setting up the technical aspects of InterWorx documentation, I have written a fair bit of the actual documentation on the pages.

"Brandon is a machine. Quick to provide feedback and always willing to take on a hard task." - Anonymous Feedback


Liquid Web ('20 - Present) - Software Developer

Writing new features and bug fixes for the InterWorx Hosting Control Panel in a large legacy PHP codebase, currently based on Zend/Laminas and components from Smarty, Symfony, etc. The product is used by hosting providers to manager servers/accounts/settings used for shared web hosting and is a direct competitor to cPanel.

Notable Features Implemented: MySQL 8 support, PHP Extensions Manager for multiple PHP versions, Let's Encrypt integration via AcmePHP

The Church Online/Wharton Curtis Creative Agency ('17 - '20) - IT Manager

Managed all IT infrastructure and staff members for a company of 25+. System Administrator for Mac, Windows, and Linux systems. Wrote scripts and small programs to automate repetitive tasks and integrate various services (ZohoCRM, Zoho Projects, OnlyOffice, cPanel, Quickbooks).

Metz Culinary Management ('07 - '17) - General Manager/Executive Chef

Managed three kitchens with 25+ employees. Created menus for catering, daily service, etc. Managed all billing, financial aspects of the business.

"Brandon is contributing much above his position and is a blast to work with. He is a great team member and friend." - Anonymous Feedback


University of Pittsburgh - Master of Library and Information Science

Pittsburgh Theological Seminary - Master of Arts

Lee University - Bachelor of Arts

"[Brandon] has always offered to help even when he's busy on other projects, and his work ethic is second to none." - Anonymous Feedback


Command Line Applications - I am a huge fan of writing and finding new CLI apps for accomplishing work in an automated way.

Music - I play bass, guitar, euphonium, trumpet, and drums. I'm not great at any of them, but I have fun with them. My favorite genres are: Americana/Country and Indie Rock.

Self-Hosting - I self-host some services to make my life easier and to provide myself with more private alternatives to Big Tech services. This also allows me to practice my craft as I write scripts/procedures to help manage these services.

"Brandon has shown tremendous growth and continues to excel at any task thrown his way. I have no hesitation throwing bigger and bigger projects onto his pile." - Tim College


Employee of the Year - ('18) - The Church Online

Above and Beyond Award - ('17) - The Church Online

"[Brandon] has a way of helping to debug a problem and make you feel like it was you who did it." - Anonymous Feedback

Social Media:


"Brandon saves my life and brain on a regular basis." - Anonymous Feedback